The University of California Berkeley is one of the premier universities in the state of California. It is often referred to as “Cal” and it is home to an outstanding level of higher education. It has a moderate school size and is categorized as a research university with a focus on a wide spectrum of degree fields. It has a midsize population and is located in a diverse, liberal community in the northern part of California.
Since the University of California Berkeley is a research school, some of the top degree programs are related to sciences, biology, and different medical fields. Academics on average are quite high, with a student teacher ratio of around 17:1. The populous of bachelor’s degrees run into economics, business, biology, political science, engineering, and lead to upper graduate studies for masters and doctorate degrees. More than half of the student population seek a 4-year degree within the sciences here. However, the school offers a wide range of degrees.
Social Life
There is a laid back approach to life in the upper half of California, and one that is politically liberal. The social life that you’ll find here is a mixed bag, with a great amount of student services to explore. With 36,000 some odd students, fitting in will be a matter of looking around for opportunity. The school offers so much in the way of student services that this should be no problem, especially if you’re looking at studying the arts, sciences, or are a big sports fan. Gatherings, protests, and a wide range of activities await, making this a very social campus.
The campus is located in Northern California, which has a distinctly different look and feel from what most people think about California. The campus is mid-size with a little bit more than 36,000 students enrolled at any given time. The majority are undergraduate students, and the campus accommodates a grand majority of them. With several Division 1 sports teams, the school has a large campus.
Final Review
The University of California Berkeley is definitely a top notch school within the UC system. It’s among the top choices for those that are in and around the California area. It has been compared to larger schools in the United States, but as far as campus, social life, and academics, it’s definitely one of note. Whether you want to focus on research, sciences, or political empowerment, you’ll find that Berkeley’s diverse community lends itself well to any student seeking a prominent school in California.