Yale University
Yale is a college of high prestige and is listed in the Ivy League. It’s located in the northeastern region of the United States and it has a deep tradition of academic excellence. It is listed as…

New York University
New York University is a large school in New York City. It is a specialized school that has been ranked highly within the Northeastern region of the United States. It is a private school that…

Virginia Tech
One of the smaller schools in the southern region of the United States is Virginia Tech. It is a liberal arts college and it offers a limited amount of degree programs and a high concentration on…

Penn Foster College
Penn Foster College offers a convenient, affordable, and flexible option to those looking to earn associate and bachelor degrees across a variety of programs and majors. While Penn Foster High…

Career Foundry
While not a university in the traditional sense of the word, Career Foundry is an innovative and cost effective route for students looking to break into web development, design and other computer…

Google Self-Driving Car
Google Self Driving Car project is as futuristic in concept as it sounds from its very name. This project aims to revolutionize the way people have perceived the innovations and developments in…

Community College News
Get the latest and greatest news in the world of community college education. Keep up with all the developments taking place at the local level to help students further their education and…

University of Texas
The University of Texas at Austin is one of the largest schools in the Southern region of the United States. It features a sprawling campus with many degrees, and located in a large cityscape that…

University of Michigan
The University of Michigan, or UM, is one of the larger schools in the United States. It is one of the premier schools in the Midwest region of the United States, and it garners a great deal of…

Penn Foster High School
Penn Foster High School is a convenient and affordable solution to finally earn the nationally and regionally accredited diploma you were meant to have. It’s no secret that finding a job or…

The Spotify Student Discount!
Get all the music you love at half the price. The Spotify student discount is here. Get in on it now and start rocking, rapping, jamming and dancing to your favorite hits

Handling Student Loans
No, student loans aren’t fun, but fortunately there are now plenty of ways to help reduce the long term cost of your loan packages. From loan forgiveness plans being set forth by the Federal…

Penn Foster Career School
Founded in 1890, Penn Foster Career School has a long and successful history of providing correspondence (distance learning) programs to its students. Well before the internet or the explosion of…

University of California – Berkeley
The University of California Berkeley is one of the premier universities in the state of California. It is often referred to as “Cal” and it is home to an outstanding level of higher education. It…

Stanford University
Stanford University was established in 1891, is located near the technology center of the United States, Silicon Valley, California, and is often considered one of the best universities in the…

Getting the Job
As the old saying goes, “You only get one opportunity to make a first impression.” Watch this funny video for some tips on what to avoid in those ever important job interviews

Harvard University
Harvard University! The name says it all. It’s one of the best universities on earth since 1636, a truly elite institution of higher learning! It’s a private, Ivy League college situated in…

Pebble Steel Watch
Pebble Steel Smartwatch is an extremely good-looking wristwatch, which can also double as a secondary display of the smartphone of its users that makes it yet another addition to the growing list…

TheCollegeBase – Mix-Tapes
Due to the huge success with college and tech reviews, TheCollegeBase is proud to announce that we are currently in the process of opening a whole brand of Mix-tapes. Stay up to date with the…

University of Illinois
The main campus of the University of Illinois is located in Urbana-Champaign, but also has a campus (UIC) in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Chicago. It is amazing college that…

University of Wisconsin
The University of Wisconsin is one of the larger schools in the Midwest region of the United States. It is located in Madison, Wisconsin and is home to nearly 42,000 students. It’s located in a…

Grants and Scholarships
There are plenty of grant and scholarship opportunities to help you pay your way through college. If you put forth the research and effort ahead of time, to see those for which you qualify, this…

Find Community Colleges
Community colleges are a convenient and affordable way to begin your post-secondary education. Read more to get a full list of community colleges, per wikipedia, and find one close to you

Google Glass
Google Glass is a revolutionary new initiative by Google, which seeks to alter the entire landscape of hands-free digital display quite dramatically, as well as, wearable technology. In fact, this…

Liberty University
Liberty University is one of the largest and most prestigious faith-based colleges in the United States. This private, non-profit Christian university, located in Lynchburg, Virginia, combines…

Eating Well in College
You’ve probably heard of the freshman 15 or other horror stories about college students putting on weight when heading off to school and being in control of their own diets. On the flip…

Florida State University
Florida is home to a great deal of universities, and among them is Florida State University. This is one well-rounded school of higher education, and offers a great deal of amenities that will…

Miami University
Miami University is located in Ohio. Stereotypically known as a preppy school with preppy kids. Where one can not leave the house without sperrys, a polo, a comb over and nice khakis. Those are…

The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University’s main Columbus campus is one of America’s largest and most comprehensive. More than 56,000 students select from 14 colleges, 175 undergraduate majors, and 240 master’s…

UMass Boston
Located in the highest ranked city for student life in the United States, (Boston, Massachussetts), UMass Boston is among the most ethnically, culturally and socially diverse university campuses…

I Gotta Feeling Parody
Nothing says a good parody than describing most college students morning after waking up after a long night they do not remember. Although the video is old I thought I would share it to help you…